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BASIX and NCC 2022 condensation changes commenced -7star ratings apply now!

BASIX and NCC 2022 condensation changes commenced.

The highly publicised BASIX energy efficiency increases commenced 1st October 2023.

Alongside these substantive reforms further NCC 2022 changes also commenced in NSW on 1 October including more stringent condensation management provisions and commercial energy efficiency provisions. These changes followed the broad NCC 2022 provisions that came into effect in May this year. As a collective these reforms are major changes to the way new homes, apartments and commercial buildings will need to be designed and constructed going forward. It is disappointing that the NSW Government didn’t take onboard HIA and broader industry concerns on the need for longer phase in period to the introduction of the BASIX changes. Particularly given that industry has not had adequate time with fully functional tools to prepare compliant designs ahead of adoption.

BASIX changes explained The new BASIX requirements include:

  • Increased thermal rating for the building envelope to achieve a minimum of 7-stars rating.

  • More stringent energy targets for fixed building services (hot water, air-conditioning, cooking equipment, lighting etc.).

  • New requirement to measure and report the embodied carbon from the materials used in constructing the main building elements via a new section of the BASIX tools.

  • BASIX tools have been migrated into the NSW Planning Portal and the old portal is switched off.

HIA has further information on the new BASIX requirements, and has produced some tips for achieving compliance that are available here. Commercial building changes New requirements have been introduced requiring dedicated solar ready zones on roofs of apartments and other commercial buildings and pre-provisioning requirements for electric vehicle charging equipment. More stringent condensation management provisions New NCC condensation management provisions applicable to Class 1, Class 2 and Class 4 buildings include:

  • Increased vapour permeance for wall sarking to Class 4 in ABCB Climate Zones 4-8.

  • More stringent roof ventilation in ABCB Climate Zones 6-8.

  • Changes to exhaust ventilation requirements for all climate zones

When do the changes apply?

  • The new Sustainable Building SEPP will apply to new Development Applications (DAs) submitted or Complying Development Certificates (CDCs) lodged from 1 October 2023.

  • BASIX changes under the SEPP come with certain transitional arrangements:

    • Eligible projects with contracts signed prior to 1 October can apply to use the old standards on the Planning Portal; and

    • BASIX certificates generated prior to 1 October 2023 under the old targets can still be used for a DA submission or CDC lodgement within their 3-month validity window and can be modified during or after DA assessment using the old targets.

  • NCC 2022 changes will apply to new applications for Construction Certificate (CC) or CDC made from 1 October 2023. However, the solar-ready and EV charging provisions will only apply to apartment building projects with BASIX certificates issued under Version 4.0 or later.



GAP Designers is an Australian-owned Company specialising in Building Design & Architectural Drafting , Council DA and CC Services, and Complying Development Certificate (CDC) applications.

 GAP Designers assists with developing your ideas, whether it’s a simple Garage design or a complete 2 Storey renovation or new build, simplifying issues, highly experienced and cost effective alternatives to adding value to your home. GAP Designers services all Sydney including the Central Coast & Newcastle regions.

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